Political Birthday
On the afternoon of 4th December, the first Party Branch of Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch organized party members to have a ‘political birthday’, other known as the campaign to learn and carry out the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The event was chaired by the First Party Branch Secretary Liu Qiongdan.
First of all, Secretary Liu Qiongdan introduced to party members the aim and significance of having a political birthday, which could be explained as follows: to further improve the overall qualities of the party member group and let them often think about the following questions such as the reason to join the Party, the current tasks of the party as well as individual contributions to the party so that party members could strengthen conviction, discipline, optimize the work style and be role models for others to follow. As is known to all, do not forget your original intention so that you can get the result you want in the end. Also, keep eternal nature and achieve the long-standing and well-established state.
Second of all, on behalf of the General Party Branch, Deputy Secretary Sun Yijun presented political birthday cards to comrades who were admitted to the Party in December and led all party members to review the oath to join the party. Deputy Secretary Sun Yijun stressed that the key to remember political birthday and keep in mind party membership consisted in enhancing party membership awareness and elevating party consciousness. What’s more, not forgetting political birthday was only a start. The most significant part lay in making free speeches in the party, loving the party, caring about the party, protecting the party in addition to making the party prosper. Currently, the party construction theory and the learning on the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China were being carried out in a deep-going way, which meant that teachers with CPC membership should take this opportunity, conduct in-depth studies on theories and guide practical work.
Third of all, party members had conversations and exchanged views with each other. They not only supported and praised the event of political birthday, but also were determined to further arm themselves with theories and strive to become excellent party members during life and work.
In summary, Secretary Liu Qiongdan led all party members to continue to learn the Party Constitution, the spirit of the reports concerning the 19th National Congress and proceeded relevant tests in the meantime.
